South Asia International Education Network
Connecting the U.S. and South Asia through our colleges and universities
The South Asia International Education Network (South Asia-IEN) brings together leaders, practitioners, scholars, and entrepreneurs in the U.S. higher education space whose origins and/or work touch upon the countries of South Asia.


South Asians constitute one of the fastest growing immigrant groups in the U.S. and our presence in the U.S. higher education landscape has increased in both visibility and impact:
A growing number of leaders at U.S. colleges and universities and at higher education nonprofits and companies are of South Asian origin
The countries, cultures, and sociopolitical issues of South Asia are well-established in U.S. academia; and
The flows of students and scholars between the US and South Asian countries have been a strong foundation for educational and cultural diplomacy since the early 1900s, and also constitute a critical source of global talent for the U.S.
To date no South Asia-focused organization or network has tapped into the collective professional power of these groups.
South Asia-IEN helps fill this gap and is not limited to those of South Asian heritage. Rather, we aim to be inclusive, recognizing the wide and deep historical, geographical, and cultural connections between the countries of South Asia; across the widespread South Asian diaspora; and the extensive engagement in South Asia by a large number of scholars and practitioners who themselves may or may not be of South Asian heritage.
Peer-to-Peer Networking
A platform to connect professionals, scholars, and leaders across US higher education, nonprofits, and business with each other to share knowledge; explore collaborations and partnerships; and develop professionally.
Higher Education Partnerships
Create a clear pathway to build linkages between the U.S. and South Asian countries, especially at a time when many South Asian countries’ higher education sector is seeing rapid growth and a new openness to global engagement.
Educational Diplomacy
Engage the diplomatic sector and serve as a resource to countries’ embassies and consulates in the U.S. on educational and cultural exchanges and diplomacy. Advocate for the inclusion of higher education mobility in discussions of diplomacy and foreign affairs.
Mentoring & Professional Development
Mentor the next generation of international education professionals with ties to South Asia; increasing the representation of South Asians in leadership roles in international education; and serving first- and second-generation South Asians in the diaspora.
Our co-founders bring to SouthAsia-IEN a combined expertise of 50+ years in international higher education in academic and nonprofit settings in the U.S.; a deep passion for and commitment to connecting the U.S. and South Asian diaspora through higher education; and their lived experiences as international student alumni and proud Indian American immigrants.